Comments on: Meta Cancels Augmented Reality Headset After Apple Vision Pro Falls Flat Fresh hacks every day Tue, 27 Aug 2024 16:52:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fidonet127 Tue, 27 Aug 2024 16:52:33 +0000 AVP didn’t fall flat, nor was it a failure. Apple wasn’t trying to make this mainstream at this point. I’m sure Apple has sold the amount of AVPs they wanted to sell. The problem with these articles, is no one knows what target Apple was trying to meet. We had these spectators who gave wildly inaccurate estimates of what it would sell, and then ding Apple, when they don’t sell what they Apple will sell. Nor do we have any real idea of what Apple has sold.

By: VRbanana4scale Mon, 26 Aug 2024 23:26:02 +0000 In reply to Bobtato.

You obviously haven’t played many VR titles if you think VR offers very little over “2D screen” gaming. Half-life: Alyx came out in 2020 and can be considered the gold standard of all current and future VR games in terms of design and immersion. If you have played it you can tell what the difference is in VR. Some other VR titles even have a mode to remove spider enemies for the arachnophobic because of how immersive these games can be. That should indicate to you how real VR can feel to players and the value of VR.

VR users on steam are very prolific and spend a ton of money on their hardware to get optimal experiences 4090s and VR trackers are expensive. People who are into VR are VERY into it. But as they compose a very small sliver of the gaming world’s cash, they are not generally targeted by developers. Most new VR games come from small developers and suffer from miniscule budgets vs other non-VR AAA games that can gross tens of millions of units sold and hundreds of millions in sales. So in the end most games can’t compare to Alyx and its level of immersive-ness. If you look at steam user counts, out of all their users, VR users are only a very small percentage and therefore not targeted by the large game developers. Until this changes, VR will have very large hurdles to overcome if no one is making amazing experiences or ‘Killer apps’ for VR.

By: SpillsDirt Mon, 26 Aug 2024 16:01:42 +0000 In reply to Nerdelbaum Frink.

You are incorrect. It is not Augmented reality.
The now defunct Daqri did AR. The original Meta, not facebooks meta, was AR. Lenovo’s Thinkreality A6 was AR.
When you use cameras to capture the real world and feed that image into an HMD you have MIXED reality with data.
The reduced FOV, the reduced real world resolution, and the slight delay are just some of the drawbacks of MR over AR.

By: Nerdelbaum Frink Mon, 26 Aug 2024 14:52:52 +0000 In reply to Agammamon.

It is absolutely augmented reality. It just lacks the depth and breadth that decades of AR based science fiction has given us for potential use cases because it’s still very early technology in this field.

By: Andrew Mon, 26 Aug 2024 04:56:23 +0000 In reply to Bobtato.

You’ve never played a flight simulator or racing simulator on a legit 6 DOF notion platform in VR I guess. There are compelling use cases, just not for the average consumer.

By: craig Sun, 25 Aug 2024 23:00:43 +0000 The best implementation of “augmented reality” would be exactly as the name implies. I imagine a regular looking pair of glasses that subtly adds, ok augments, if and only if I want it too.
Like someone mentioned above. Look at something in another language and have it translated. Maybe even have a simple piece of flat white cardboard and a book to read is projected on it. Or just a word you don’t know on a real life thing that you can stare at for 1.5 seconds (think: movie hover) and the definition will pop up. Or glance at the light switch in the corner of the room and your smart house will turn on or off the light. A subtle “follow the dotted line” projected on the road when using GPS in a car. Seamlessly.
The best example I can think of for this level of low key awesome is the yellow first down line added to TV broadcasts of NFL games.
Wearing a giant set of dumbass goggles that replaces, rather than augments, reality, was the problem.

By: TG Sun, 25 Aug 2024 22:56:07 +0000 In reply to Ø.

Also the fugly google doodle avatars that it forced you to create for yourself. Completely disqualifying. Nobody wants to go through such humiliation and then have some kind of virtual office meeting as their hideous virtual clones. The thought of it is enough to make you retch. These people are so completely removed from normal humanity to think there was demand for such a thing
