There’s a new and very detailed video tutorial about the Raspberry Pi available from the Australian firm Core Electronics. There are 30 videos and 5 chapters in total. A few of the introduction videos are short, but the detail videos range from 3 to 16 minutes.
The instructor [Michael] starts out at the very beginning — loading NOOBS on the Pi — and then moves on to Python, shell scripting, and building GUI applications with TkInter. It also covers using Particle Pi for IoT applications that integrate with IFTTT.
We do realize that most people reading Hackaday have probably used a Raspberry Pi at least once or twice. However, we also know that we all get asked to recommend material for beginners, or — in some cases — we are using material to teach classes in schools or hackerspaces.
Core also has similar workshops on video for Arduino and 3D printing. Of course, there are many other tutorials out there, but it is always nice to have choices.
We’ve seen other projects that use TkInter if you want to see something practical. By the way, if you are doing a class and don’t have enough Raspberry Pi’s to go around, you could probably do a lot (but not all of it) on a Linux PC, especially with a PIXEL live CD.
Great resource. Thanks for posting.
All good, except that everything is upside-down. :P
xrandr --output HDMI1 --rotate inverted
????Hahaha, everythings fixed now, thanks!
Damn Australians with their marsupials and poisonous everything…
Not everything is poisonous. We have many creatures that will eat humans without poisoning them first.
Thank you man horse I have been looking for that movie. I didnt know what was called.
I also want to watch the film. I’ve read it is low-rated but I usually like the junk on ScyFy so…
*venomous (and poisonous) :)
:b (from Oz)
Nice find, the videos are well presented too. For people using an old Linux box you can use the Parallel Port in place of the Pi’s GPI/O lines. Otherwise there is this option “Arduino as a “GPIO” device attached to PC or Raspberry Pi”
And don’t forget you don’t need two screens,
@[Al Williams]
You spelt Austraaaaaaaalain wrong!!!
May I ask for your .io page again? I can’t seem to find it!
I haven’t done anything for a while as I have been unwell.
404. Of course hahaha.
Well, I haven’t done anything so…
I hope you get better, bud.
I usually just say OZ.
Using NOOBS in 2017 MEGALUL
Very good quality material, i wonder when will make similar material for Orange Pi boards
Based on Allwiner ARM SoC.